My Diary


Merry Christmas I love you so much don't be sad. Listen to my sister's song.

Old Entries


Where are the music videos where are the videographers???


I am still in awe that I finally worked up the courage to admit to myself that I'm artist lol.
It's low-key kind of embarrassing to put yourself out there like that but I enjoy what I do wayyyyyy to much to pretend. I'm not even nervous the mixtape is good (Dark Night), plus it's with my sister so that makes me happy! I'm just happy to let these songs out and make room for moreeee.I hope people like it cuz I worked really hard on it. Praying for some gigs so we can perform the songs...

I hate to be a sinner...

And I hate to question why God would leave us here like this.
Why not stay and help us? Or are we just toys to him? Is that the extent of his power? That magnificent cities mean no more than dots of sand on the beach? Then I realize suddenly that as he sits on his throne of praise and worship, and looks down upon us, he must marvel at our suffering in his name as heartily as he would our success.