A Dark Night

“I’m the dark knight can’t catch me!” She sung as she hopped off the ledge, straight into the street. She threw her cape over her head and swung it away for dramatic effect, underneath revealing a tacky black mask sitting atop some cheap glass frames. She looked around, left to right like an animal, crouching down and whispering before bursting up again in a fit of song.

“In the dark knight it’s fun to be!”…she coughed “In my dark knight fantasy!”

“Weeooooweeooooweeeoooo” she made police siren noises, flailing her arms on either side of her, mimicking a plane or wings.

The sound of kids laughter can be heard fading away and she flies deeper into the night, leaves gather and creatures chatter, dark hearts murmur in the distance. 

“Cuz in the dark kni-“ she flies up a tree,”Its always fun for me!” She puts her hands over her eyes-mimicking binoculars-surveying the Grimm area. 

“Hmmm, not so much action tonight for Miss Dark Knight “ she looks in the direction she came “I hope I can still make it to get candy”.

She flies back down the tree, further into the night. The other way little thing! Before it’s too late!

“I’m sure I’ll be fine“ she murmurs, her eyes twinkling behind the glass frames behind the mask, she skips along the evil path, spotting an animal and chasing it down while the moon sparkles in the sky.

“Here little thing Miss Dark Knight won’t hurt you, what are you anyway!” She chases it past a few trees before suddenly the ground gives out on both of them as they stumble into a  hole. Next to it, a large mound.

“Dear Night what has happened, we fell into this…hole, and dear Knight you’re an evil looking thing up close aren’t you”. The creature looked up at her with a scowl, it understood what she’d said, its ugly face resembled one you would find carved into a slab of stone, a freak of nature.

A voice can be heard soon, evil and grotesque, the kind of voice where the neck is heavy against the larynx, it cackled and sneared, the animal next to her screeched but it could have been a hiss.

“Its not safe out here for anyone but me, and here we’ve got a child and a little thing,” said the voice.

“Thank the night you found us Mr, we were just playing when we fell in!” She yelled.

He saunters closer, “How could a small child play with a thing such as that, look at its ugly face! More coarse than a rat! And wet like a twat!”

“It’s just a thing, I think it means no harm, please help us out Mr I just need your arm” she reaches out to him, he reaches back to her looking past the mask and the glass frames into her gleaming eyes.

“Ha!” He pulled back, stumbling a bit “You almost got me!…With your impish wile! I see things clearly, and no way you’re a child!”

She sighed, and there was a sudden burst of wind that distracted her, she followed it with her eyes away from him while her very shadow stood up tall and devoured the man in one bite, leaving behind his arm.

The girl looks back, and is surprised to see the man gone, she looks down at the thing but it shrugs at her. She shakes her head and climbs out of the hole, stumbling once before making it out. She helps the thing after her.

As she dusts off her cape she spots the left-over piece of the mans arm on the ground, picks it up in awe, she shows it to the thing but it nudges away. She points the arm back to herself and bobs it around.

She holds it to her lips like a microphone while skipping into the night.
